

Message from the President

IAM, in collaboration with Oita University, has developed a novel peptide secondary structure mimetic technology (PiPiQ) that forms the basis of our approach to drug discovery. PiPiQ is unique among drug discovery technologies in its unprecedented potential to target diseases for which no therapeutic drug is available, which we believe makes it the ultimate peptide mimetic technology. Currently, we are leveraging PiPiQ technology to create an alkaloid compound library (ALCS) to identify and develop therapeutic agents for treating otherwise intractable diseases.

On behalf of Oita University Institute of Advanced Medicine, Inc. we look forward to your continued support as we create the future of drug discovery.

Establishment of IAM as a Venture Business of Oita University

IAM was founded as a venture business of the Faculty of Medicine of Oita University. The purposes for which it was established are as follows:

  1. (1) To apply the personnel, research results, expertise and other assets of the Faculty of Medicine of Oita University to the early phases of development of medical products
  2. (2) Using (1) as a springboard, to build an industrial cluster focused on development of medical products
  3. (3) To coordinate with Oita University on international medical projects promoted by Oita University