For Investor

Features of the Company

New drug development targets
  • Intracellular unstructured proteins can be targeted.
Highly precise synthesization technology
  • Natural skeletons that perfectly overlap the unstructured regions of target proteins enable synthesization of imitation compounds (using 2-turn motif)
Partnerships with academia
  • By collaborating with outstanding researchers who are experts in the evaluation of compounds, the Company can optimize products for activity evaluation.
  • Phase I initial clinical trials can be conducted at Oita University.

Business Development

  1. Collaboration with other pharmaceutical companies, including global players
    In themes with market potential, IAM examines the possibilities in a wide range of collaborative enterprises with other pharmaceutical companies, from joint research to joint development.
  2. Acquisition of subsidiaries in each pipeline
    In promising research themes, IAM applies for investment funds from venture capital firms to establish drug-development ventures as subsidiaries, aiming for acquisitions after obtaining POC (Proof of Concept) data in humans.